Donnet Leveque Type C

Artwork: Ognjan Petrović

Translation of files in Italian: Aleksandar Stošović & Miodrag Savić

Proofreading of the text in English: Miodrag Savić

Format: 290 x 210 mm

144 pages

190 photographs

33 aircraft profiles


Release Date: 25 August 2014

ⓒ 2014 All rights reserved by Boris Ciglić

3 thoughts on “ABOUT THE BOOK”

  1. Dear Mr. Ciglic,
    I got a signed sample of this phantastic book. Thanks to you and Mr. Petrovic of the great work you did. It is a helpful source for every historian dealing with the ships and planes of our countries. Many of the pictures were unknown for me and the first thing after unpacking was to read it to the end. I am also retired mech. eng. and impressed by the delicate artwork.
    Best regards
    Fritz Marschner

    1. Dear Mr. Marschner,

      Thank you for your kind words about the book. I’m really glad you enjoyed it.

      Kind regards,
      Boris Ciglić

  2. Dear Mr Ciglić.
    I am polish historian from University Rzeszow.
    In May 2016 we organised internationall conference: Wings over Eastfront, Serbian Front, Adria Front 1915/1916.
    I will send more infirmations for you and too invide for this Conference. My mail
    Best regards
    A. Olejko

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