About the Authors

Boris Ciglić, attorney at law from Belgrade, Serbia, born in 1971, began researching the history of military aviation in the Balkans from his early youth. He is the author of the monograph about early Serbian Aeronautics, ‘Wings of Serbia’ (2009), the photo monograph ‘Scrapbook of Lost Aviation’ (2019) and the books ‘La 15.(Kroat.)/JG 52 sur le front de l’est’ (2019) and ‘Savoia Marchetti SM.79: The Yugoslav Story’ (2020). He also co-authored the books ‘Croatian Aces’ (2002), ‘Dornier Do 17: The Yugoslav Story’ (2007), two volumes of the ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story’ (2016 & 2018), ‘More Than a Century’ (2021) and ‘Adriatic Guard: The Story of the Naval Aviation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes’ (2023).

Messerschmitt Bf 109 The Yugoslav Story cover page


Do 17



Mario Raguž, entrepreneur and pilot from Dubrovnik, Croatia, was born in 1974. He has been researching military and aviation issues for more than 30 years. He is the author of documentary movies ‘Wings on Earth’ (1997) and ‘Čabulja’ (2014) and of the books ‘In the Nest of Beauty – the History of Flying in the Dubrovnik Area’ (2008), ‘Zapisi legionara’ (2017) and ‘Dubrovnik Airport’ (2022). He co-authored the books ‘Guerilla Nightmare – Junkers Ju 87 Stuka over Yugoslavia 1941-1945’ (2018) and ‘Adriatic Guard: The Story of the Naval Aviation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes’ (2023). He is married to his wife Ana and is the father of four daughters.

Dragan Savić, landowner from Barajevo, born in 1956, is counted among the most prominent researchers in the field of aerial and ground warfare in Yugoslavia during the Second World War, with special emphasis on operations in the so-called Independent State of Croatia. He is the co-author of the books ‘Croatian Aces’, ‘Dornier Do 17: The Yugoslav Story’, ‘German Panzers and Allied Armour in Yugoslavia in World War II’ (2013) and the two volumes of the ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story’.

Milan Micevski, entrepreneur from Belgrade, born in 1958, has been exploring archives and collecting data about aviation history for more than three decades. He is considered one of the leading experts in the field of Soviet Aviation hardware in former Yugoslavia. He co-authored the books ‘Jets’ (1990), ‘Kraljevsko vazduhoplovstvo 1918 – 1944’ (2012), ‘Jugoslovensko pomorsko vazduhoplovstvo 1918 – 1991’ (2014), ‘117. lovački avijacijski puk’ (2015), ‘83. lovački avijacijski puk’ (2016) and the two volumes of the ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story’.

Predrag Miladinović, born in 1964, entered the world of aviation history research as a devoted plastic scale modeler in his childhood days. For ten years, beginning in 1989, he was employed in the Belgrade Aviation Museum. He published numerous articles for aviation and military journals in Yugoslavia and Serbia and co-authored the books ‘Kraljevsko vazduhoplovstvo 1918 – 1944’, ‘Jugoslovensko pomorsko vazduhoplovstvo 1918 – 1991’ and the first volume of ‘Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story’

60 thoughts on “About the Authors”

  1. Hi Boris,
    today I received your new book “Seaplanes of Bocche” – I want to congratulate you to this marvelous work. It’s so important to tell the history of those places like Kumbor – especially when they destroy all the old traces… Hope the owner of the newly built hotel will sell your book to their guests that they can see what happened at these place!
    Your book is highly recommended!
    Thanks for signing it!
    All the Best to you and your future aviation projects.

    1. Dear Martin,

      Sorry for not answering earlier, I missed your comment, for which I am very thankful. I’m really glad that you enjoy the book 🙂

      Best regards,

  2. Poštovani,
    radim u hrvatskim novinama 24 sata i pišemo tekst o pilotu iz I. svjetskog rata, Josipu (Josifu) Antunoviću. Imate li kakve podatke o njemu? Gdje je služio, kakav avion je vozio itd,?


    1. Dobar dan Bogdane,

      Imam tražene podatke, upravo sam vam poslao mejl.

      Srdačan pozdrav,
      Boris Ciglić

  3. Boris:
    I received your book “Seaplanes of Bocche” thank you for telling the story of Austro-Hungarian naval aviation in world war I
    a long neglected field that needed to be told. Great book I also
    loved the color in the back .

  4. Hi Boris

    I just found this site and wondered if there is any mention of my father Franz Falk in Seaplanes of Bocche. He was a k.u.k. Seeflieger (Seefaehnrich, then Fregattenleutnant) stationed at Kumbor 1917-1918 and was on various sorties as an observer, including 27-06-1918 when he was shot down in K213.

    Kind regards


    1. Dear Ronald,

      It is always a pleasure to get in touch with families of late Austro-Hungarian naval aviators. Your father is mentioned on a couple of places in the book and the air battle in which he was shot down is described in detail and includes a narrative report from Italian 258a Squadriglia, whose pilots shot him down.

      Best regards,

  5. Dead mr Ciglik Im interested in your book “Seaplanes of Bocche”. As wargamer and modeller, and with interest in the Austro-hungarian navy your book is something like a treasure. I
    hope that you can write another book about the seaplanes of the North Adriatic… Im sorry, you write an excelente book and your readers “Oh! When a book about this and those…”. Thanks.

  6. Thanks! I will order the book in a few days. My country is Spain.
    Thanks once more for your attention.

  7. The book arrived today in perfect shape.Its excellent and I am very happy to see your signature in it, many many thanks Mr Ciglik.

  8. I hope that some time in the future you will write something similar of the Northern Adriatic seaplanes.Thanks again.

  9. Dear Mr.Boris,I have read the comments of people who share the same love as I have which is the history of aviation.I have in my airplane collection all 3 books ,Serbia,Bocche and Do 217.They have a special place in my heart.Thank you for sharing with us the history of your country .Please continue to write ,I will be there to buy.Gary

  10. Dear Mr Ciglić, I am especially interested in German-built transport aircraft. So I like to ask if you have detailled information about Ju 52s in Yugoslavia (civil or military) available.
    Possibly, are you planning to publish a book about these aircraft?
    Paul M

  11. Поштовање Борисе!
    Да ли се књига “Крила Србије” може купити код вас? Зоран С. Београд

    1. Поштовани Зоране,

      Управо сам послао мејл.

      Срдачан поздрав,
      Борис Циглић

  12. Поштовани,замолићу Вас да ми меилом доставите упутство како да поручим књигу.Хвала.

    1. Поштовани Миљане,

      Управо сам Вам проследио мејл са инструкцијама. Претпоставио сам да је у питању књига о Месершмитима.

      Срдачан поздрав,
      Борис Циглић

  13. Poštovani!

    Čitam vašu knjigu „Messerschmitt Bf109 – The Yugoslav story“. Sve pohvale, odlično napisano. Pogotovo me zanimaju oni avioni, koji su se srušili u okolini kde živim (severozapadni dio Slovenije). Pronašli smo par tih lokacija i ostataka aviona. Jedan od tih aviona koji je pomenut u knjigi, oboren 25.2.1944 u predjelu Jelovice, nije Bf 109, nego Focke Wulf Fw190. Imam delove motora i kompresora koji to dokazuju. Ako vas zanima mogu vam poslati fotografije.

    Pozdrav, Aleksander

    1. Poštovani Aleksandre,

      Hvala na komplimentima. Uskoro vam stiže mejl od mene.

      Srdačan pozdrav,

  14. Hi Boris
    I would like to make another try at buying your book seaplanes of Bocche. Since the money order didn’t work how about a cashiers check or personnel check in US dollars? Please reply

    1. Hello James,

      Plese check your inbox.


  15. Poštovani gospodine Cigliću,
    Pratim odavno vaš naučno-istraživački rad, i ako ovako nastavite,mislim da će se zatvoriti naš Muzej vazduhoplovstva i Vojni arhiv. Pravite neverovatne knjige.
    Molim Vas,za Vas pitanje: da li imate bilo kakvih fotografija vezanih za Belu Crkvu, Aerodrom u Beloj Crkvi i 31 vazduhoplovnu školu gađanja u Beloj Crkvi za vreme od 1930 do 1941 godine. Srdačan pozdrav i hvala Vam unapred.

    1. Dobar dan gospodine Ištvaniću,

      Mislim da imam par nekih fotografija vezanih za tu temu. Porveriću pa ću vam se javiti na mejl.

      Srdačan pozdrav,
      Boris Ciglić

  16. Dear Boris,
    My name is Vince Tassone and I am the Editor of Stormo Magazine Online, a website dedicated to the Air Forces of the Italy in WWII. I’m looking for more information about the 3 C.205Vs that 3 Croatian Aces flew on June 30, 1944. In particular I am interested in the aircraft markings (German Crosses or Croatian Wingshield etc) and the camouflage schemes on these planes (I’m guess 74/75/76). I am preparing a decal sheet for modelers and I would like to include all three Croatian Aces in this sheet, namely, Helebrant, Bencetic, and Bartulovic.

    Here is a link to Stormo Decals:

    Best Regards,

    Vince Tassone

    1. Dear Vince,

      Unfortunately I cannot help you as any photos of HZL C.205s still have to be found.

      Brst regards,

  17. Dear Boris
    How is work progressing on Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Yugoslav Story (Volume II). Can you predict a publication date?
    Del Davis

    1. Dear Del,

      Sorry for late reply. It is in a final phase. Still waiting for the profiles. The most optimistic estimation is April. I will keep you informed 🙂

      Best regards,

        1. Dear Del,

          I expect to see it printed within a month. Everything but the English text review is finalized.

          Best regards,

  18. Zdravo Borise,
    skoro sam našao podatke o mom pradedi od majke, na šta sam veoma ponosan.

    Poručnik Đorđe Stefanović, pilot

    Đorđe je rođen 20.februara 1909.godine u Suvodolu kraj Smedereva. Nakon završene Vojne akademije prelazi u vazduhoplostvo, gde prvo završava obuku za izviđača, da bi 1938.godine stekao i zvanje pilota. Kao pilota bombardera, Aprilski rat ga je zatekao na aerodromu kod Bijeljine.
    Umro je 8. aprila 1941.godine prilikom bombardovanja nemačke motorizovane kolone na putu Skoplje-Kumanovo, kada je njegov avion oboren.

    Posle ovog otkrića, imam zavet da čuvam sećanje na sve naše heroje. Interesuje me da li imate kontakt sa još nekim od članova porodica pilota poginulih u Aprilskom ratu?
    Nadam se da nisam jedini koji sam vam se javio.

    1. Zdravo Aleksandre,

      Vaš pradeda je poginuo kao izviđač u posadi sa pilotom Vasilijem Mirovićem i strelcem Slobodanom Đorđevićem u blizini Kumanova. Potomci danas uglavnom ne znaju puno o svojim precima, ali ima i onih koje sve to jako interesuje 🙂 Do sada sam bio u kontaktu sa nekoliko stotina porodica bivših vazduhoplovaca, a imao sam i tu sreću da sa mnogima razgovaram još dok su bili živi. Na žalost, koliko mi je poznato više nema živih pripadnika Vazduhoplovstva vojske KJ. Da li imate sačuvane neke fotografije vašeg pradede?

      Srdačan pozdrav,

      1. Borise ukoliko još pratite ovaj forum bilo bi zanimljivo da se čujemo i razmenimo informacije. Imam slika,letačkih dokumenata i drugo a možda vi imate neke informacije koje bi popunile praznine u mojoj priči

        Srdačan pozdrav

        Igor Korvin Janovski

        1. Dobar dan Igore,

          Naravno da me takve stvari uvek zanimaju. Poslao sam vam mejl.


    2. Zdravo Aleksandre,
      Pilot Djordje Stevanovic rodjen u Suvodolu kraj Smedereva i ja smo “rodjeni” u istoj kuci. Ocigledno je da imamo iste pretke a da se i ne poznajemo.
      Srdacan pozdrav

      1. Spomenik Djordju Stevanoviću nalazi se u Kumanovu. Bio je pripadnik I Bombarderskog puka i komandant posade Blenhajma mislim u 204 eskadrili. Komandant eskadrile je bio kapetan Nikola Ivančević i on je poginuo 7. aprila pa su u zoru 8. aprila mimo vojnog zadatka poletela 3 blenhajma komandant puka Ferdo Gradišnik koji je poginuo od svoje bombe leteći nisko, Djordje Stevanović i Konstantin Jermakov sa posadama (Blenhajm ima 3 člana). Cilj je bio osveta poginulog druga a bombardovali su jako uspešno glavnu nemačku motorizovanu kolonu koja je iz pravca Bugarske išla ka Skoplju. Blenhajm mog dede je pogodjen protivavionskim topom i oštećen je sleteo na njivu pored Kumanova i eksplodirao .

      2. Moj deda, Djordje Stevanović, završio je prvo kopnenu akademiju jer tada nije bilo avijacije. Upisao je i redovno davao ispite na pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu posle završene vojne akademije. Prvog oktobra 1936. dobio je diplomu aeroplanskog izvidjača broj znaka 572 a 1938. i diplomu aeroplanskog pilota. Rat ga je zatekao u Bjeljini. Bombardovali su Nemce u Sofiji i zapadnoj Bugarskoj

    3. Aleksandre, Djordje Stevanović je moj deda po majci. Imam dosta podataka o njemu ako te zanima. Mislim da nije tvoj rodjeni pradeda i žao mi je ako sam te razočarao. Ako smo ipak neki dalji rod voleo bih da se čujemo

      1. Igore,
        drago mi je da ste javili rodjače, poslao sam vam poruku sa mojim podacima, slobodno možete da mi se javite.
        Ovde moram da pojasnim moju povezanost sa Đorđem Stevanovićem, moj direktni pradeda po majci bio je Svetozar Stevanović, njegov brat, dok je moj deda od majke Milan Stevanović bio njegov bratanac.
        Nemam razloga da budem razočaran, najgore je zaboraviti ko su bili oni od kojih smo potekli.
        Veliki pozdrav svim potomcima naših heroja pilota.

  19. I have your book on the Dornier 17. I am building a model of the 17E and the book has very good reference photos. But I have a difficulty regarding the underside of the wing. I think that the 17E, Ka1 and Ka2 had fabric panels under the outer wing. It is very difficult to see this on photos but on page 31 you mention that the burnt out Ka1/Ka2? has had duralamin fitted at DFA. What was it before the duralamin. Do you have any further information on this.
    Many thanks,

    1. Hello John,

      It’s been a long time since I was deep in Do 17 story, but if my memory is correct, early versions of Ka (at least Ka-1, I’m not sure for Ka-2, take a look in the book – I must have explained it somewhere) had the fabric-covered panels on underside like the Do 17E. Later versions built at DFA had the wings covered with duralumin, just like Do 17F.


  20. Hello, I like to purcshasethe Scrapbool of Lost Aviation (V.I).

    Thanks from Austria

  21. I would like to purchase your book on the Serbian airforce. How can I do this?

    1. Hello Jovan,

      The book can be ordered, but it has not been released yet. Due to fluid Covid situation I still haven’t set the release date. If the things stay as they are the book should be out between 30 Ocotber and 15 November.


  22. Postovani Borise
    Da li je knjiga Savojima odstampana , ako jeste kako moze da se naruci?

    1. Dobro veče Ivane,

      Knjiga je izašla iz štampe. Upravo sam ti poslao mejl.


  23. Dear Boris, I want to like order the books about the Do 17 and SM-79 in Yugoslav service.

    Give me the ordering details, please.

    Kind regards, Uwe

  24. Dear Boris, I want to like order the book:
    I would like to know if the book is available
    and payment details and shipping to Italy

    1. Dear Fabrizio,

      The book is still available, pleae check your inbox.

      Best regards,

  25. Good Morning jeroplan, I would like to purchase one of your publications of Wings of Serbia.
    DO 17 Yugoslav story, kindly send me bank details and total price.

    Sincerely, Massimo Coppo

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